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So far valorbound has created 10 blog entries.

Benefits of Landscape Curbing

By |2019-03-28T21:02:16+00:00December 6th, 2018|Curbing|

Professional landscaping is one of the best home investments you can make. An attractive, well-kept yard enhances the curb appeal of your home and increases its value. Plus, certain features reduce the amount of time you spend on yard work. Here’s why landscape curbing is a must-have. Adds Value Permanent landscape borders made from a durable

3 Unexpected Benefits Of Landscape Curbing

By |2019-03-28T21:22:24+00:00December 6th, 2018|Curbing|

If you're tired of looking at your lackluster landscaping but aren't sure where to begin when it comes to improvement, you may want to give some thought to installing (or redoing) some concrete or stone curbing. Curbing, or the solid borders that surround gardens, water features, and other landscaping elements, can create a brand-new

5 Ways That Landscaping Pays Off

By |2018-12-06T01:20:21+00:00December 6th, 2018|Plants|

Landscaping is very much an investment in your home, for it provides direct financial benefits. Landscaping can both increase value for you and help you save money. Here's a look at some of the specific ways that investing in your home's landscaping could pay off. Increases Your Home's Value A well-landscaped yard will increase

How to Keep Your Most Aggressive Plants From Spreading

By |2018-12-06T01:20:29+00:00December 6th, 2018|Plants|

When you are setting up your landscaping, you may decide to plant an invasive plant. These plants may spread to a part of your yard where you would like to grow something else. For instance, you may have a shrub that tries to spread onto a lawn that you are trying to keep separate.

Lawn Equipment and Landscaping, Curb, and Edging Materials

By |2018-12-06T01:20:41+00:00December 6th, 2018|Curbing|

Lawn and landscape edging controls the spread of mulch, defines the edges of paths, and prevents the spread of plants. However, edging can also create extra work if it's routinely damaged by mowing and trimming equipment. Metal and plastic edging materials are popular and affordable, but they aren't the most durable options when it

5 Care and Maintenance Tips for New Concrete Landscape Curbing

By |2018-12-06T01:21:01+00:00December 6th, 2018|Curbing|

The new concrete landscape curbing on your lawn enhances your property's value and adds a decorative touch that increases the curb appeal. Now you want to do everything you can to preserve the gorgeous appearance of your new landscaping feature. While concrete is designed to be durable, it is susceptible to wear and tear

Make the Most of Your Backyard With Landscape Zones

By |2018-12-06T01:21:09+00:00December 6th, 2018|Plants|

Some homeowners want more than a large open backyard fringed with flowers or hedges. Their likes and their lifestyle require them to have areas that allow various activities. They may want a place for friends to gather or a spot for the children to play. You can enjoy a range of activities by establishing

Solid Improvements: How Hardscapes Help Your Landscape

By |2018-12-06T01:21:16+00:00December 6th, 2018|Plants|

If your yard, garden, or green space could use something more, don't let potential landscaping labor deter you. While adding gardens, planting trees, and mowing grass can be tedious, hardscapes can provide a bit of polish without the back-breaking work. Make some solid improvements in your landscaping with hardscapes! Sensible Symmetry Bring a sense

How to Create a Gorgeous Border Garden Around a Tree

By |2018-12-06T01:21:31+00:00December 6th, 2018|Curbing|

Attractive landscaping should consist of more than a lawn. In fact, an attractive landscaping garden can improve the appearance of your house, increasing its value. Most gardens need a focal point, and decorative trees are a great choice. A border adds shape to your landscaping garden and keeps the plants from creeping into your

5 Steps to Create a Low Maintenance Island Bed

By |2018-12-06T01:21:37+00:00December 5th, 2018|Plants|

Low maintenance island beds can cut back on time spent maintaining your lawn and can free up time for doing gardening elsewhere on your property. Island beds also have an elegant, trim appearance that can boost curb appeal and make your home look better for guests. These tips can help you create a low

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